2407 Outdoor Activies

Be a traveler not a tourist
There are many times that spending more time in one pace, getting to know an area and its people can be more rewarding. We feature a range of activities that have a focus on the journey rather than the destination.

We organize activities mainly in west Mani, but also in hand-picked locations in east Mani, wider Messinia district and Cythera, offering carefully designed guided tours or even customized tours to fulfill any wish for a life time experience.

Have an adventurous and sensitively run holiday by trying eco-friendly and creative activities such as hiking tours, cycling, climbing, 4×4 off road trips, kayaking, boat trips and snorkeling adventure, culinary experiences of the local cuisine, agriculture outdoor activities, workshops with a holistic aspect such as meditation or Yoga, expressive arts, kids’ activities and much more.

With highly skilled associates and a well-trained, long experienced guide, we aim to reveal and promote west Mani special characteristics and beauty.

Kardamili, West Mani, Messinia, Greece Z.C. 24022

Stoupa, West Mani, Messinia

KARDAMILI: +30 2721 073752
STOUPA: +30 2721 079168

